Thursday 20 October 2016

7 Top JavaScript Frameworks List In Today’s Time

When it comes to Web Development, JavaScript frameworks are one of the most favored platform for developers & businesses. Possibly, you have had a chance to experiment with one or two of the top JavaScript Frameworks too. However, somewhere in your mind you are still a little unsure about the best one to devote yourself to mastering or suggest your developer to opt for your next web development project.

This is quite obvious. JavaScript is moving at a breakneck pace and there is constant pressure to add  new skills to your repository. In order to do that, knowing and understanding more of the top JavaScript Frameworks in today’s time is necessary. After a thorough research at ValueCoders, we shortlisted seven of them and here they are:

1) AngularJS 2.0 & 1.x

After the most awaited official release of AngularJS 2.0, the popularity of the framework has reached a new level. However, this is still a risky decision to jump to the new version if you are not so sure. Let us help your decision with this flowchart-


Whatever the conclusion you come to, you must admit that AngularJS (maintained by Google) has the capacity to build web applications like no other. With a rapid development pace, easy code integration, readiness for  unit testing AngulatJS can certainly be you choice for next project.

Read More: Top 20 latest Angular JS Developer Tools

2) ReactJS top JavaScript frameworks

One of other top JavaScript Frameworks is ReactJS and again maintained by a reputed brand Facebook.  Be it it’s ability to perform good in SEO (surptisingly being part of JS family), Simpler JSX, Virtual DOM or powerful JavaScript library, ReactJS is a developer’s choice to build dynamic & high traffic web applications.

However, while comparing with AngularJS, ReactJS falls short in testing simplicity and component structure. Also needless to say, this does not make ReactJS to fall short from AngularJS.

For detailed comparison: AngularJS vs ReactJS : What’s good for your business?

3) Meteor.js

JavaScript is used as the universal scripting language in browsers on the client-side.  Using it on the back-end as well to save time and build expertise is one of he major ideas behind Meteor.js.

Hence, front-end developer can also work on the back-end comfortably with Meteor without switching context between Ruby/Java/Python/PHP/ and whatnot JavaScript. It gives the flexibility to use “one language  everywhere.”

Also, Meteor is perfect for those who wants to build real time web apps. All of the app’s layers from database to template update automatically. This is how it works-

Hence, user does not need to refresh the page to see the updates. Just like what you see after commenting on a Linkedin post.

4) Node.JS

The main idea of Node.js is to use non-blocking, event-driven I/O to remain lightweight and efficient in the face of data-intensive real-time apps that run across distributed devices.  In simple words Node.JS is used for specific reasons to fill out particular needs.

It helps build scalable and fast network applications, as it’s capable of handling a large number of simultaneous connections with high throughput, which brings out high scalability.

5) EmberJS

Some amazing frameworks like Ember.js allows you to develop web applications easily with a faster pace. Ember.js is many developers’ first preference because of many reasons. One is Ember.js’s router allows you to stop breaking the web. With Ember, you get URLs and a default working back button with every route  created by you, and the API is easy to use.

Moreover, the combination of Ember.js and Rails provides you more freedom, flexibility and joy to code richer and more interactive web app.

6) Mithril.js

Mithril.js has few similar features like React.js. Mithril gives you hierarchical MVC components and safe-by-default templates with an intelligent DOM difference checking for high-performance rendering just like React. Moreover, Customizable data binding, and URL routing are two of the impressive features of Mithril.js.

7) Polymar.JS

Polymar is another JavaScript framework from Google. There is no doubt that the joy for developers in Polymar is much lesser than React.js still, there are many improvements made recently.  The material design components that come with Polymer have a very high quality.

Moreover, Polymer has web components that are part of the HTML standard which promises longer existence than ReactJS. Hence, there is a low chance for Polymer to get replaced in future by another framework.

The bottom line-

Choosing the right JavaScript framework is never about the number of features that the particular framework can provide. It’s about the actual functionality of the framework and how that functionality can be utilized within your own  development project.  Hence, choose one these top JavaScript frameworks as per your project needs and save time and money.

There is another way to save time and money. Hire ValueCoders. We deliver excellent AngularJS, MeteorJS, NodeJS and ReactJS development solutions to build your web application. Our dedicated developers are well skilled and offer following benefits:

1. Zero billing guarantee

2. Pro-level Teams

3. Guaranteed SLAs

4. Flexible Hiring Models


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